The online Morphlist
You can have a look at my available snakes 24/7/365.
Just click this link for the most up to date version:

Become my Patron and get lots of extra content, discounts, specials deals, merchandise and more!
Check out the 3 tiers I made for you!

The Mimosa Corn
Mimosa is the morph I worked on for years and in 2021 finally got all the info I needed about them to give them an official name. Read all about it here:

I have been making reptile videos since 2011 and have over 250 videos. I will also go LIVE sometimes (Spoken in Dutch). Please subscribe, watch and chat with me!

If you want to keep up to date EVERY DAY, then follow me on Facebook. I also go LIVE there sometimes (Spoken in English). Please like my page.

I will attend all Reptile Shows in Houten (the Netherlands) and in Hamm (Germany). Follow me on Facbeook to find my table number.

I am not really active on MorphMarket, but I do have a store there where I post some available animals with individual pictures.

Did you know that I am also a “famous rapper”?
You can listen to my rap songs for free. Or sing along with them with my selfmade Youtube lyric videos.
About me
Hey, Josua Hannink from Future-Morphs here!
I am a professional snake breeder from Tilburg, the Netherlands. I have been keeping reptiles for over 20 years and I started breeding in 2003 and I never stopped.
With all this experience, I am happy to help beginners via my Social Media channels, specially on Youtube and Facebook, so follow me there for good info, fun times and livestreams.
Throughout the year I bred many species of reptiles, these include (in alphabetical order) :
Scientific name | English name | Nederlandse naam |
Boa constrictor | Red tailed boa | Afgodslang |
Corallus hortulanus | Amazon tree boa | Tuinboa |
Elaphe bimaculata | Twin spotted ratsnake | Chinese luipaard rattenslang |
Elaphe climacophora | Japanese ratsnake | Japanse rattenslang |
Elaphe mandarina | Mandarin ratsnake | Mandarijn rattenslang |
Elaphe schrenckii | Russian ratsnake | Russische rattenslang |
Gonyosoma oxycephalum | Red tailed green ratsnake | Groene rattenslang |
Lamprophis fuliginosus | African housesnake | Afrikaanse huisslang |
Morelia viridis | Green tree python | Groene boompython |
Pantherophis bairdi | Baird’s ratsnake | Baird’s rattenslang |
Pantherophis guttatus | Cornsnake | Rode rattenslang |
Python regius | Ballpython | Koningspython |
Zamenis situla | Leopardsnake | Luipaardslang |
I also kept species that I did not breed with, such as:
Scientific name | English name | Nederlandse naam |
Ahaetulla prasina | Vine snake | Twijgslang |
Elaphe carinata | King ratsnake | Taiwanese stinkslang |
Elaphe dione | Dione’s ratsnake | Steppe rattenslang |
Elaphe moellendorffi | Hundred flower ratsnake | Moellendorf’s rattenslang |
Elaphe taeniura friesi | Beauty ratsnake | Taiwanese rattenslang |
Epicrates cenchria maurus | Rainbow boa | Bruine regenboogboa |
Eryx colubrinus loveridgei | Kenyan sandboa | Zandboa |
Euprepiophis conspicillata | Japanese forest ratsnake | Japanse bos rattenslang |
Gekko vittatus | Palm gekko | Gestreepte gekko |
Geochelone elegans | Indian Startortoise | Indische sterschildpad |
Gonyosoma jansenii | Jansen’s ratsnake | Jansens rattenslang |
Hemidactylus frenatus | Housegecko | Tjitjak |
Heterodon nasicus | Hognose snake | Haakneusslang |
Lampropeltis triangulum campbelli | Pueblan milk snake | Melkslang |
Morelia spilota variegata | Carpet python | Tapijtpython |
Pantherophis obsoletus quadrivittatus | Yellow ratsnake | Gele rattenslang |
Pogona vitticeps | Bearded dragon | Baardagaam |
Python reticulatus | Reticulated python | Netpython |
Tiliqua scincoides | Blue tongue skink | Blauwtongskink |
Contact me
PM me on Facebook
Whatsapp: 00316-26980393
Email: info@future-morphs.com

Name | Josua Hannink |
00316-26980393 | |
www.facebook.com/FutureMorphs | |
Youtube | www.youtube.com/FutureMorphs |
Patreon | www.patreon.com/FutureMorphs |
Merchandise | www.Future-Morphs.shop |
Website | www.Future-Morphs.com |
info@future-morphs.com | |
BTW ID | NL001780434B82 |
KVK number | 71280014 |
Payment options: | |
Paypal | info@future-morphs.com |
Backup Paypal | paypal.me/FutureMorphs |
IBAN (Bank) | NL62INGB0008742290 |
Crypto | Bitcoin (BTC) |
Cash | I accept € |
Debet / Credit Card | I have a mobile PIN at shows |